Map Editor
A Map Editor for manipulating track mods.
WARNING: Extremely WIP. I will not be providing support. Use at your own risk.
Alina's Map Mod
A mod that adds utilities for other mods to add milestones and other features to the game.
Alarka Jct Additional Tracks
Additional tracks in Alarka Jct, currently just a bypass around the interchange.
Alarka Loop
Balloon loop in Alarka, no more fighting with a Wye.
Alarka Pax Storage
Adds two storage tracks to Alarka Station.
Andrews Interchange Yard
A yard that can be useful for organizing east bound trains and storing cars if the Interchange is filled to capacity.
Sylva Interchange Yard
A yard that can be useful for organizing west bound trains and storing cars if the Interchange is filled to capacity.
Sylva Paper Crossovers
Adds two Crossovers at Sylva Paperboard.
Sylva Pax Storage
Adds two storage tracks to Sylva Station.
Sylva Wye
Adds a Wye at the Sylva Interchange, great for turning around those massive Berks.
Whittier Sawmill Connection
Extend the sawmill track over to the interchange
Whittier Yard
A yard that can be useful for organizing trains and storing cars.